Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Mountain And The Viper

2. Tyrion Goes On About Beetles

The day that will determine whether Tyrion will live or die has arrived. Jaime is down in the dungeons spending time with his little brother as they wait for the announcement. Both are aware that this could be their last moments together. Imagine Jaime's confusion then when Tyrion starts a discussion about their late slow-witted cousin Orson and his obsession with smashing beetles. Tyrion admits that he often pondered the nature of Orson's love for such a mindlessly savage act, to which Jaime is perplexed as to why he even bothered when much greater acts of barbarism are committed every day. When Tyrion asks him why he thinks Orson did it, Jaime simply replies: "I don't know." On the surface this scene is perplexing and could easily be written off as a filler conversation before the big fight. Tyrion goes on about Orson's beetle smashing for so long it almost grates on one's nerves. Upon the episode's end, however, the purpose of this scene is made more apparent, and the more you think about it the more you come to appreciate it. Orson's smashing of beetles is natural order on a micro scale. There is no rhyme or reason for what he does, it is simply the way the world works. The physically strong always prevail over the weak, regardless of intelligence. We'd like to think there is some cosmic reason for why bad things happen to good or innocent people. If there is an intelligent entity residing over this world, it appears to enjoy squashing little people like Tyrion for fun. This leads into the big fight we've all been waiting for...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.