Game Of Thrones: 7 Characters Who Deserve A Spin-Off

2. Tyrion Lannister

tyrion2-640x360 The most obvious choice for a character who deserves their own spin-off is The Imp. Peter Dinklage has probably done the most impressive job at bringing a character from the books to life on screen. Peter Dinklage is Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion is the source of comedic relief on a very dark show. He never gets credit for anything and usually manages to get the short-end of the stick in most situations. He managed to save the capital from Stannis's forces, yet his abusive father took all the credit. Now, he's being forced to marry Sansa Stark who is way too young and was already engaged to his demented nephew. It's really hard not to feel bad for Tyrion. He is the only member of his family who cares about the well-being of others, regardless of their allegiance. Yet no one takes him seriously and a lot of people hate him because he is a dwarf with a weakness for alcohol and whores. In other words, he's human. I bet a lot of us wish that he would actually take Shae's advice and sail away from King's Landing, where things don't ever seem to turn out well for him.

Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.