Game Of Thrones: 7 Characters Who Deserve A Spin-Off

1. Arya Stark

tumblr_mm6r3s2SWJ1s0thg7o1_1280 The youngest daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark happens to be one of the most badass TV characters in recent memory. And the most deserving of her own spin-off. Maisie Williams, who had no prior acting experience before "Game of Thrones," has done a phenomenal job and bringing Arya's ferocity and spunk to life. Out of all the characters on the show, Arya seems to have it the worst. After being separated from her family, she witnessed her father's head get chopped off. Then she became a fugitive and had her hair cut off to look like a boy. Then she was captured and had to endure the nightmare that is Harrenhal. Now, she's been captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners to be ransomed. She just escaped only to be captured by The Hound and presumably ransomed again. What makes this all the more horrific is that she is still just a child. Despite all this, she manages to hold her head high and fight. She never gives up and accepts defeat, whereas most people in her situation would probably be dead. Arya is a character that we root for and want to succeed. Her quest for revenge on those who have done her and her family wrong is something that she simply deserves to complete. Her inner and outer toughness, not to mention her archery and sword-fighting skills, is what makes her so popular. A spin-off we could only dream of would involve her reuniting with Jaqen H'ghar, becoming a Faceless Man and giving a bunch of deaths to the Red God (and reuniting with her family of course). Which characters have we missed? Let us know in the comment section below.

Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.