Game Of Thrones: 7 Storylines Season 5 Decided To Skip

6. The Queenmaker

After the teaser that was Oberyn Martell in Season 4, many people couldn't wait to find out more about the other Martells and what they would do to avenge his death. Instead, we got a pointless rescue mission written to give Jaime and Bronn some more screentime. This was the show's first attempt to come up with an original plot, and it really didn't work.

It's a shame, because Dorne is just that bit different, which makes it much more interesting. The rulers of Dorne style themselves Princes and Princesses rather than Lords and Ladies, and there's no law about male primogeniture: the eldest inherits, regardless of gender. Because of this, Prince Doran Martell's heir is his daughter Arianne.

Frustrated at her father's lack of action against the Lannisters and worried that she is being cheated of her birthright (in favour of her brother Quentyn €“ more on him next) she decides to use Dornish Law to her advantage. She plans to crown Myrcella Baratheon as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms as she is a year older than her brother Tommen. She hopes this will bring about the war many people in Dorne want, and with the help of her new Queen she will ensure she inherits the rule of Dorne. But this is the game of thrones, and nothing goes as planned.

Hopes are not high for seeing Arianne Martell. It's odd that a show which likes to give us strong female characters would choose to ignore a potentially great one. Season 5 was very clear that Doran's only child was Trystane Martell, meaning that Arianne, and the storyline she was part of, won't see the light of day.


Will Norris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.