Game Of Thrones: 8 Characters Who Should Get POVs In The Winds Of Winter

7. Bronn

Who Is He? - A mercenary that came into the employment of Tyrion Lannister following his imprisonment at the hands of Catelyn Stark, Bronn was a good find for the 'Imp', complementing him well with his dour sense of humour and loyalty (which eventually seemed to grow more towards the man than the gold he was paying). Sensed as a potential threat by Tyrion's sister, Cersei, Bronn was offered the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family in order to prevent him standing for Tyrion in battle during his trial for the murder of King Joffrey. He then disappeared from proceedings, until news later arrived in Kings Landing that he has named his wife's bastard son Tyrion in honour of his former employer. Sensing this as a threat, Cersei arranged to have him killed, but the assassin failed and left Bronn unopposed as the Lord of his wife's lands. Why Should He Have A POV? - Apart from the second-hand description of his attempted assassination, Bronn hasn't been seen or mentioned since A Storm Of Swords, and re-introducing him as a POV character would be an excellent way of explaining what he has been up to since Tyrion's escape to Essos. The dry sense of humour that the character possesses would also be a welcome thing to witness firsthand, particularly given that Jerome Flynn's portrayal in the television series has made the character more of a fan favourite than he was when he existed solely on the page.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.