Game Of Thrones: 8 Huge Predictions For The Second Half Of Season Six

7. The Wall Is Going To Fall

Game of Thrones Night's King The Wall

Throughout the show's run, one threat has been idling along in the background, slowly growing in power and danger to Westeros at large: the White Walkers. The last time we saw them they were hanging out at Hardhome, a fishing village beyond the wall. There, they resurrected thousands of dead as wights.

It's clear, then, that the Walkers are making their way towards the wall, growing in power with each passing moment. Right now, however, those at the wall are more concerned with the immediate threat of Ramsay Bolton. It's basically a certainty at this point that the season is heading towards a climactic battle between Jon and Ramsay, and with Jon having given up his position as Lord Commander, he won't hesitate to leave the wall (and he'll be bringing the Wildlings with him).

Expect the last couple episodes to see the White Walkers make it to the wall while Jon and co. are out battling Ramsay and his army in an attempt to reclaim Winterfell. With the wall undefended, the White Walkers will show a display of their immense power by bringing down the wall, leaving Jon's inevitable victory over Ramsay hollow and in stark contrast to the show's true, endgame threat.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.