Game Of Thrones: 8 Huge Rumours About Season 7

7. Jon And Dany Meet Very Early On

Game Of Thrones Rumours

Continuing the trend of accelerating action and plot development, it's rumoured that Jon and Dany will meet near the very beginning of season seven, potentially in the second episode.

For six whole seasons viewers have been wondering about and imagining the inevitable meeting between Jon Snow and Daenerys - especially if Jon himself is a Targaryen, as season six's Tower of Joy scene seems to imply. Though this meeting seemed briefly unlikely (what with Jon being stabbed to death and all), it's finally going to happen in season seven.

This particular rumour goes on to state the specifics of the meeting. Supposedly, upon arriving at Dragonstone Daenerys will summon the various lords of Westeros, and Jon (accompanied by Davos) will answer the call. Upon arrival, Dany will demand Jon kneel before her in submission (which I can't imagine will go down lightly) before they begin to discuss the future.

Given season six, it's likely Jon will have quite a lot to say about the White Walkers...


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.