Game Of Thrones: 9 Most Mind-Bending Character Transformations

1. Jaime Lannister

How He First Appears While Theon is in many ways an auxiliary character, Jaime is a central part of Game of Thrones, and the Jaimes at the start of Season 1 and the end of Season 5 could not be starker in their differences. Jaime began as an impulsive, boyish musketeer, embroiled in an incestuous love affair with his sister. Upon the discovery of their relationship, he is almost gleeful in his attempted murder of Bran Stark. Most people are going to hate on anybody who laughs as they push a kid from a window, and audiences were no different here. The impression at this point was that Jaime was a clearly defined villain for viewers to sink their teeth into. However, as the show progressed, we realised Jaime was as complex as any other character, who was capable of good as well as evil. What He Becomes Ultimately the character that emerges is changed by Brienne of Tarth's loyalty, as well as the first misfortune he ever experiences, in losing his hand. For the first time, he is accepted for who he is, even along with the knowledge of his love for his own sister. Jaime has become more of a diplomat than a warrior, and he is slowly coming to terms with his own mistakes. After admitting that he is both uncle and father to Myrecella she, remarkably, forgives him. It seemed in that moment that his transformation was complete, but it will be interesting to see what direction his character takes after her death at the end of Season 5. Will he fall into despair or be transformed for the better once again by her forgiveness and subsequent death? Which other characters in Game Of Thrones have completed evolved? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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