Game Of Thrones Ending: 12 Disturbing Implications You Probably Missed

2. Bran Lives For 1000 Years

Bran Broken Game Of Thrones

The Ending

Though Sam's ideas of democracy are batted away as ridiculous by the leaders of the Six Kingdoms, Tyrion does inspire in them a better commitment to democracy that will see Bran's replacement decided upon by a council of powerful peers.

That's a lot better than a son inheriting a position, particularly when Joffrey and Tommen's legacies are still so present in the memory. And more importantly, it should mean that the best person for the job is always crowned every generation.

But Wait...

It doesn't matter how good Bran's Small Council rule in his stead, they're all mortal and will all die relatively soon. They will then be replaced until Bran's reign is over. Which means several times, actually, because the last Three Eyed Raven lived for over a thousand years and only died when he was killed by the Night King.

The idea of Bran ruling in perpetuity might seem like a smart idea, but he's only as good a leader as those he appoints (since he has no desire to rule at all) and anything like that longevity for a monarch is completely unprecedented in this world. It's going to be a difficult transition to say the least.


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