Game Of Thrones: Every Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

68. Breaker Of Chains (S4E3)

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss Directed By: Alex Graves

Another example of Game of Thrones not knowing how to handle a rape scene. This time, they weren't even sure they'd produced one. Jaime rapes Cersei next to the body of their dead son, and while they may have been going for something ambiguous, or claiming consent by the end, it plays out as rape. It's also rape that undoes all of the redemptive work of Jaime Lannister up until this point, and what comes after, and it's never addressed.

That aside, Daenerys gives a big speech to the slaves she's now the saviour of, and it doesn't really possess anything other than a slight feeling of discomfort. The rest of the episode is solid if unspectacular early season work, but gets brought crashing down by another GoT f**k up.

67. Dark Wings, Dark Words (S3E2)

Game of Thrones Arya Gendry Hot Pie

Written By: Vanessa Taylor Directed By: Daniel Minahan

A low-point of the mostly brilliant third season of Game of Thrones, it's another early season struggle that feels the need to check in on a whole bunch of characters without offering much in the way of insight or top-quality entertainment.

We meet the Queen of Thorns, which is great, but then we also meet the cryptic Jojen Reed, which isn't so much. The rest of the episode, from Jaime and Brienne to Tyrion to Theon and so on is all fine, but there's not really a lot to it.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.