Game Of Thrones Finale: 10 Characters No One Expected To Make It To The End

1. Sam & Gilly

Game Of Thrones Brienne

A double entry on top as while it always seemed possible that one of Westeros’ most wholesome couple would make it to the end, the chances of both of them arriving there unscathed was very slim indeed.

Back to The Long Night again; Sam got Edd killed and was left for dead by Jon (who decided instead to have a screaming match with an ice dragon), yet he still made it through. He didn’t even seem to try to survive either, just collapsing into a snivelling mess.

Despite killing a white walker with dragonglass and growing significantly braver across the series, Sam is not a fighter. He does okay in the Battle Of Castle Black, but the Army Of The Dead should have been far too much for him, as should general Westerosi violence.

Beyond just fighting, his role in the story and knowledge of the Citadel seems to be over with Jon’s birthright out of the bag. He seems ideal fodder for a heartbreaking death.

Gilly has never had as much influence on the narrative as Sam, so could have been plucked away at any time.

As a bright, bubbly, naive character, it’s surprising she’s lasted all this time in Westeros.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)