Game Of Thrones Finale: 10 Characters No One Expected To Make It To The End

7. Pod

Game Of Thrones Brienne

Pod has long been one of the show’s best tertiary characters, and while he’s rarely been truly crucial to the story, he’s enjoyed probably the most personal development of any character in the show.

While the Dothraki fading into the background appeared to be signalling their doom, it was instead the increased focus which looked to be Pod’s death knell. Even before The Long Night, the deck seemed stacked against Pod lasting this far.

He wasn’t strictly needed as Brienne’s squire, but from a narrative point of view he made it easier for us to get to know her. Their conversations allowed us to see how she felt.

Then there was his beautiful song. Not only can he get his money back from King’s Landing’s whores, he has the voice of an angel too. Singing a song so tragic before an epic battle seemed certain to have put a target on his back though.

In the battle against the dead, it seems like a huge missed opportunity that we never got to see the dead wight of a named character come back to fight a living friend; Pod and Brienne could have been perfect for this.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)