Game Of Thrones: Power Ranking Every Major House
10. House Baratheon

Status: Virtually Extinct
Remaining Members: Gendry
Family Members Lost: Robert, Renly, Stannis, Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen
Many fans feel that George R.R. Martin has a death wish for the Stark family. That is just not so. If there is one family that the author of A Song of Ice and Fire seems to want to destroy, it is the Baratheons.
The massacre began in the first season as King Robert was taken out by a wild boar and a generous amount of wine. In the resulting chaos, his brothers went to war to take his place with the younger of the two (Renly) falling victim to a red magic shadow (with a knife). The older brother Stannis finally meets his end in the fifth season during a second failed attempt to invade the Seven Kingdoms.
Not content to simply kill the true-born Baratheons, Martin wages a campaign of poisoning and suicide on Robert’s “children” as well. Although they were not genetically Baratheons (they were pure blooded Lannisters), they were shown no mercy as they were each killed in consecutive seasons.
With the vast majority of Robert’s illegitimate children killed and Queen Cersei shedding her married name, there are currently no living Baratheons in Westeros.
Prospects For The Future:
With rumors circulating about Gendry’s return, it is possible that he could take the family name and the mantle at Storm’s End. He can only take the Baratheon name with a royal decree, which will certainly not come from Cersei.
His only chance is to win over Daenerys and show her that he will be a different kind of man than the rest of his family. If he is unable to do that, then House Baratheon will cease to exist.