Game Of Thrones: Ranking Every Season 6 Storyline From Worst To Best

11. The Dornish Coup

Game Of Thrones Season 6 Euron Greyjoy Jon Snow

Key Characters: Ellaria Sand, the Sand Snakes, Doran Martell, Trystane Martell

Best Moment: The brutal death of Trystane Martell.

Worst Moment: Being completely ignored for most of the season.

Congratulations, Dorne! After being unquestionably the worst part about Season 5, you manage to only be the second worst part of Season 6.

Presumably, the powers that be in Game of Thrones heard how much viewers hated Dorne in Season 5, and decided to drastically scale it back for Season 6. Which is the problem.

The coup itself is fascinating to watch, even with the considerable gaps in logic involved. The brutality and efficiency of Ellaria and her Sand Snakes is finally being shown on screen. It poses Ellaria as a significant threat, seizing the Dornish throne with the entire Martell line now dead. Is there a chance for redemption?

Not really, no. Outside of a stray comment made by Jaime, there is nary a mention of the extremely powerful territory ruled by a woman that despises the Lannisters. The same woman, you might remember, who murdered the king's sister. There are too many questions left unanswered: how does Ellaria convinces most of the king's guard to defect with her? Does Dorne accept her rule, despite having no legitimate claim? A dumb storyline from Season 5 gets even dumber.

Ellaria returns at the end of the season when Varys is brokering alliances, but at this point, it was far too late to make a real impact outside of a bad taste in viewers' mouths.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.