Game of Thrones Season 5: 10 Most Shocking Moments So Far
8. Know It All

He’s a good egg, that Jon Snow. Good enough to risk life and limb time and again for his Night’s Watch brothers, to turn his back on everything he ever wanted when Stannis offers to legitimise him and make him Warden of the North, to befriend cack-handed lump Samwell Tarly.
Jon Snow does have a weakness, though. Two, actually. One, (as everyone knows) he knows nothing, and two, he doesn’t always manage to keep his sword sheathed. He may have sworn a vow of celibacy and agreed to take no wife, but Jon Snow read between the lines and slipped beneath the animal skins with Ygritte all the same.
When The Red Priestess Melisandre once again found keeping her clothes on to be altogether too challenging and turned her charms on the new Lord Commander, Jon Snow just about managed to resist. After copping a feel.
Muttering that he still loves his dearly departed wildling, he sullenly sends her packing and opts for a cold shower instead (conveniently there’s surely no other kind at Castle Black anyway). At which point Melisandre heads for the exit, but not before turning back to utter the immortal words, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” Burn.