Game Of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Will Probably Die

6. Ramsay Bolton

If there is anyone who fans want to see dead, it€™s probably the seriously twisted Ramsay Bolton. Now that Littlefinger, not Tyrion, has dispatched Joffrey during the Purple Wedding, Ramsay has quickly replaced him as the most evil and twisted person in the land. That is quite some doing considering the number of dastardly people currently roaming around in Westeros. Now that his father Roose Bolton has legitimised him, the former b**tard is surely in the firing line as they head to take control of Winterfell. Of course, Ramsay Bolton is best known for his capture and subsequent torture of Theon Greyjoy, turning him into the loyal and quite frankly pathetic Reek. Reek has now been used to trick the iron born into laying down their arms to Ramsay, seeing them flayed for their trust in him. He has also resisted a rescue attempt by his sister Yara, although you can suspect that he might try to gain his revenge for the loss of his manhood at some point. Although the writers are not the types to give fans what they want, you do sometimes get to see the bad guys get their comeuppance, and he certainly falls into that category.

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