Game Of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Will Probably Die

5. Theon Greyjoy

As already mentioned, Theon Greyjoy is currently in the grasp of Ramsay Bolton, and that is surely not going to end well. He has already been tortured to within an inch of his life by the sadistic son of Ramsay Bolton, losing his genitals in the process, as well as being used as a Trojan horse in the capture and flaying of the ironmen in Moat Cailin. Ramsay Bolton was even annoyed at the treatment of Theon, who he had regarded as a high value prisoner but his son had used to satisfy his own twisted desires. Now that such a prisoner isn€™t required, you have to wonder how long Theon will be necessary. It has already been hinted that there has been more than one Reek before Theon became the latest incarnation, so there is probably a timeline on his existence there. Also, with the Boltons now travelling to claim Winterfelll, there is likely to be retaliation from the remaining Northmen, and Theon could be caught up in that issue. He may even aim for revenge as a result of his treatment at some point, and that would probably not go very well considering his current state. Whatever the case, Theon is definitely on thin ice as everyone heads into season five.

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