Game Of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Will Probably Die

3. Brienne Of Tarth

Everyone€™s favourite giant of a woman has already been through quite a lot in her time on the show, and you can€™t imagine it is going to get any better. She has already seen her beloved Renly murdered by the shadow creature sent by Stannis and Melisandre, then nearly being raped before sent to fight a bear, before her quite epic battle with the Hound at the end of season four. That battle left her visibly battered and bruised and you would assume quite close to death, given the skills of Sandor Clegane. Although she does have Podrick, so that€™s something. She is also very much allied with the Lannisters, as she seeks to bring home the Stark girls for Jamie. That fact is well known, and is sure to earn her some negative attention, especially from the likes of the Brotherhood Without Banners and any roaming north men she may come across. Given her proven track record of getting into fights with skilled swordsmen, it probably won€™t be long before she€™s at it again, and the third time might not be so lucky for the lady from the Sapphire Isle. Although, she may encounter a strange woman before then€

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