Game Of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Will Probably Die

4. Melisandre

The Red Woman, priestess of the Lord of Light and close advisor to Stannis Baratheon might find her god hard to come by in the north. At the Watch€™s funeral for their fallen brothers, she was clearly seen exchanging telling looks with Jon Snow, hinting that something might be set to happen between those two, and probably not in the loving manner either. It would also be amiss to forget that the only reason Stannis has taken her north with him is after her absence during the Battle of the Blackwater was directly linked to his failure in that battle. You€™ve also got to question how much damage all of her dealings with the ever-increasing power of the Lord of Light is having on her. While she has openly admitted, and demonstrated, that she uses powders and illusions to aid her deception and bring people around to her way of thinking, that God she worships is not likely to be happy with such tricks. We can also assume that Stannis has his eyes set on the north, bringing him into contact with the Boltons, and Melisandre may well find herself in the middle of that battle sooner rather than later.

Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.