Game Of Thrones Season 6: 25 Most Epic Moments

23. Jaime Visit Edmure

Game of Thrones wildfire King's Landing Sept of Baelor

Jaime Lannister is one of the most complex characters the show has at its disposal. Ever since his confession to Brienne about the truth of his kingslaying, he's straddled the line between hero and villain. However, after hinting at a redemptive arc, the show instead let the character stall in pointless storylines like last year's Dorne saga.

Book fans were then relieved to see the show tackle the Siege of Riverrun storyline, which is a pivotal one for Jaime. His scene with a captive Edmure is one of the best written and acted pieces the show has had in a while. It is also a great example of Jaime's struggle to become a true knight. He wants to end the siege without any casualties but his reputation as a kingslayer and man without honor means that he'll never be trusted. He must then rely on that reputation to get what he wants. His threat to catapult Edmure's infant son over the castle further blurs the line between Jaime as a noble knight or Lannister. He'll be forced to make a choice before long.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.