Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments
13. Edmure Is Back.. Anyone Care?

There was an opportunity in season 6 to bring in Lady Stoneheart. HBO passed.
There was also an opportunity in season 6 to bring back Gendry. Again, HBO passed.
But we did get to see Edmure Tully's glorious return. You know, the guy that absolutely nobody remembered, nor cared about. It was pretty much just assumed that he was another casualty of the Red Wedding, a footnote to the main event.
For him to be brought back in such a narratively important way, and to then be responsible for the death of Black Fish was almost bloody unforgivable. It was like bring back Hot Pie and putting him on the Iron Throne. And then, like magic, Edmure was spirited away again to the dungeon, like the hollow narrative device he was.