Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments
12. The Weird, Vague Rules Of Revival

It was sort of semi-established that Thoros was only able to bring Beric back from the dead (without them really saying he'd tried with anyone else), and that Melisandre didn't think she had the power to bring anyone back let alone Jon Snow. But wouldn't you have tried with other people if you were either of them?
Particularly as the priest and the priestess were religious types, you'd think they'd test to see if they could bring people back in order to establish the importance of the ones they could. It just stands to reason. Then maybe Rickon could have been revived.
Seriously though, what would it have taken to write in a reason why only one person per reviver could be brought back? It's not that hard - and this is a fantasy world where most rules that sound about right are accepted by the fandom.
And come to that, how come Beric seems to come back having lost something of himself each time, but Jon is basically exactly the same as when he died? Shouldn't he be at least psychologically scarred?
That would also have explained why he didn't ask for Rickon to be revived when Melisandre was like RIGHT there. Instead, he just looked selfish and like he didn't actually like Rickon that much.