Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments

4. Jon Snow Literally Knows Nothing


Rickon's lack of progress while out in the wild with Osha is one thing, but compared to his sisters Jon Snow has stagnated so much he's practically gone backwards.

Despite being killed for his moral naivety, Jon remains a paragon of virtue, uncomplicated by his experiences and unwisened by them too. He's still the sour-faced boy who went to the Wall, despite having first-hand knowledge of what lies behind it. And he's pretty much doomed to keep making the same mistakes.

Uneasy alliances ruined him once, and helped kill his brother Robb, and Jon is now heading into the same territory - particularly as Littlefinger now has him in his targets as the newly crowned King Of The North. But Jon remains almost wilfully naive and idealistic, and unless he toughens himself up a little (and stops running into battles led by emotion) he's going to need reviving again.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.