Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments

Look, RIckon needed to die. He was no more than a narrative device, needed to finally cement Ramsay's evil and to confirm that no matter what the end result of the battle, he would win the emotional war with the Starks.
But, that doesn't mean the youngest Stark couldn't have worked a little harder to stay alive. He's literally been living rough for a couple of years, with Wildling Osha presumably teaching him how to fend for himself in far more difficult circumstances than he was facing. He should have been hardened and cunning, like Arya - an animal forced into a corner.
Instead, Rickon unfortunately preserved his innocence to a fault, failing to realise that zig-zagging or slightly side-stepping off his path to Jon might have saved his life (even as multiple arrows slammed into the ground). Even if he'd got to Jon's arms and THEN been shot after valiantly zig-zagging across the battlefield it would have been infinitely better.