Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments
24. Arya Goes Back For More

Why the hell did Arya ever think becoming a Faceless Man would help in her personal mention for revenge against her Kill List? That's almost exactly the opposite of what she would become once Jaqen and the Waif had humiliated her through her training, as they told her from day one. That she didn't listen at all is her own fault.
Even more confusingly, why did she then go back to the House Of Black And White after being punished for taking her revenge on Meryn Trant? Her agenda hadn't changed - she still intended fundamentally to learn to kill in order to kill her enemies. And yet she went back to Jaqen knowing that any further transgression would end up with a similar punishment to her blinding.
A girl is an idiot.