Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments
19. The Hound's Prologue

Wait... where are the opening credits? Where is the pomp and the circumstance and the 14 minutes of little Westeros blossoming under the camera lens. DID SKY ATLANTIC CUT THE FRONT OF THE EPISODE OFF?!
Oh no, it's wonderful. It's magical. It's the bloody Hound back from the dead, just as we all wanted, reimagined as the world's grumpiest pacifist, with a quite stunning aggressive wood chopping technique and the sorrow of a man bested in battle and left to die by the only thing resembling a friend.
The unprecedented prologue was a brilliant moment and the perfect way to add some magic to the Hound's return, indicating that something extremely special was coming. And even with the massive hints before the season aired that he was coming back, it worked absolutely perfectly.