Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments

20. Tyrion Reasons With Two Dragons


Now, I'm all for the power of reason and the enduring strength of rhetoric and idealism, but reasoning with two starving dragons with poor temperaments and a history of violence to all but their mother is a step too far.

Even for Tyrion - that most loquacious of wits - the prospect of going down into the dungeon and talking to the beasts in an almost human way was ridiculous at best and utterly fatal at worst. And most problematically of all, it messed with the mythos of the dragons, because it didn't in any way set up a tease that Tyrion might be a Targaeryen (as the fan theory goes).

Instead it just looked like the dragons chose not to eat Tyrion simply because he was nice to them, which robs them of their fundamental threat. And worse, it made Tyrion look like he was flying blind, despite him building a reputation as a supreme strategist. In other words, it was a betrayal on two fronts.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.