Game Of Thrones Season 6: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From Trailer 2

1. ...And So Has Dany

Game Of Thrones Dany.jpg

And if one character set-back wasn't enough, we're now having to tolerate the same thing with Dany, who has just been swept back to Season 1 thanks to her captivity at the Dothraki's pleasure.

After four seasons of politicisation and real life chess, Daenerys will now have to go through humiliation, sexual aggression and probably earning the trust of her new Khal again. Then we'll see her rise to political power and use the Dothraki as her army - presumably with whatever remains of the Unsullied when the Sons of the Harpy have stopped slaying them.

That's not how you do progression. Okay, so she's a different character, but if she stands up to the new Khal, she's going to face retribution again. It's not like the horse warrior is going to be a feminist.

Let's just hope all of that speeds through and we get back to Dany the warrior trying to earn the Iron Throne.

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