Game Of Thrones Season 6: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From Trailer 2
2. Arya Has Been Reset
Ever feel like you've been robbed? After growing into her assassin's role in Season 5, Arya's grave moment of vengeance at the end of the season saw her robbed of her sight and scolded by Jaqen H'ghar. That was a strong narrative move - on both page and screen - but it's hard not to be a little daunted by the prospect of reliving all of the trials, tribulations and misery of season 5 with the only pay-off being the same as it always would be.
The promise of Arya's kill-list has been badly let down by the execution: she's not so much going through her targets killing them off from the shadows - she's basically just waiting around for them mostly to die of other means. Talk about your anti-climaxes.
With season 5's progression, it felt like Arya was going to leave her quest to be a Faceless Man behind (wasn't it just a means to her vengeance, initially?) and go on a killing spree this season. But no, instead we're going to see her being abused by the Waif again for probably multiple episodes.