Game Of Thrones Season 6: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From Trailer 2

3. The Mad King's Death?!

Game Of Thrones Shadow Stab.jpg

Though the trailer sets up the shadowy murder shot above as being Jaime killing the High Sparrow, it's obviously not from that sequence, given that the High Sparrow's guards wouldn't let him walk up and murder him, and given the disparity in the victim's outfit.

Instead, rather excitingly, it's more likely that this is another flashback, with Jaime remembering his murder of the Mad King.

Narratively it would work very well: we have Jaime growing back into his position as the Lannister's head of the army (even if that's supposed to be Tommen) and doing what he thinks is right for his country and his family. Perhaps this memory will be what stops him from killing the High Sparrow and earning himself another nice nickname like Stabber Of Holy Men, or something.

Having seen the key scene hinted at in past seasons, actually seeing it come back to influence Jaime this time out will be a great touch.


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