Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 6 Clues From "The Door" Trailer

3. The Other Red Woman

Game Of Thrones Red LAdy Varys Tyrion

As teased in the first trailer, there's a new Red Woman coming into play, looking as mystical as Melisandre used to before she turned into her new emo version. There's something about the way she stalks up the stairs towards Varys and Tyrion that suggests she's not entirely human.

Game Of Thrones Red LAdy Varys Tyrion 2

And judging by their faces, they're not wholly pleased to see her.

Game Of Thrones Varys Tyrion

Could she be a legitimate threat to Tyrion and Varys? Will this be the revelation of who is behind the Sons Of The Harpy? Could this actually be a manifested spirit of the Harpy?

Game Of Thrones Red Woman

Anything that speeds up the Meereen storyline and throws in some more drama can't be a bad thing either.


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