Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 7 Clues From “Winds Of Winter" Trailer

4. Littlefinger Wants His Reward

Littlefinger And Sansa Game Of Thrones Finale

After arriving at the last minute to save the day like Gandalf with more smarm, Littlefinger clearly goes to see Sansa under the same tree that she married Ramsay under (why would she EVER go back there?)

If that’s not foreshadowing the threat of her reliving another dangerous relationship, I don’t know what is.

Littlefinger Game Of Thrones FInale

And as if to confirm that, Littlefinger gets all leery and says he thought Sansa “knew” what he wanted. Given the way he is practically a giant, slithering erection, it’s incredible that she didn’t know.

God bless her, she’s still a little too naive for my liking, and it’s going to bite her. But surely she can just turn Littlefinger down?

Sansa Game Of Thrones Finale 1

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