Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 7 Clues From “Winds Of Winter" Trailer

3. Davos Challenges Melisandre Over Shireen

Melisandre Davos Game Of Thrones Finale

After the startling revelation that Shireen was burned at the stake (but her little wooden toy somehow survived), Davos is on the warpath, knowing full well who was responsible. And he’s clearly going to make it known to Jon Snow as well.

At least she looks a little bit guilty.

Melisandre Game Of Thrones Finale

So is this Davos demanding she tells Jon what she did? That actually seems a bit odd - what exactly is Jon going to do about it? He knows she’s a creepy witch with supernatural powers, he knows she’s singularly committed to doing what the Lord Of Light tells her, and he can do pretty much nothing about it. He is not her judge.

Jon Snow Game Of Thrones Finale 2

Maybe the idealistic Davos thinks Jon will be as mad about the death of an unknown child as he was? But then it would be somewhat odd for him to seek condemnation of her magic from someone who is literally standing alive because of her magic. He’s bound to be conflicted, and Davos may have to take matters into his own hands.

Davos Game Of Thrones Finale

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