Game Of Thrones Season 6: All 10 Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Blood Of My Blood

Game Of Thrones Ranking

Inevitably, it's always the expositional episodes that won't score as highly when put side by side with the more spectacular ones, and Blood Of My Blood represents one of the steadier episodes - particularly after the brutal end to the previous episode.

In terms of highlights, the arrival of Benjen and the confirmation of the long suggested Coldhands theory was a great moment of fan-service in a series that at times felt like the ASOIAF Reddit thread. And Sam stealing his father's sword after being a massive, spongey wimp when confronted about Gilly was a nice moment for him in an otherwise uninspiring plot.

And then of course the end saw Dany given her "Fight Them On The Beaches" speech as she finally threw off the limiting cloak of democracy and decided to rule via dragon power instead.

Conversely, the Arya stuff wasn't great (aside from the play within a play), and served mostly as a bloated excuse for ending the House of Black And White period (so it at least had that going for it).

Best Moment: It's a toss up between the reveal of Benjen Stark being "alive" and Dany's Independence Day style rallying call.


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