Game Of Thrones Season 6: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps
A new boss on the Wall, a Stark family reunion, and blood. blood. blood.
Moments like the one above completely rock any certainty we have about the upcoming Game Of Thrones Season 6. I mean, WHAT?! As Bran Stark said in the initial teaser: "They have no idea what's going to happen." HBO have been more tentative about releasing information this time around, with press copies to be withheld, security tightened (to an extent) around the sets, and teasers that really are just brief glimpses as opposed to anything substantially spoiler-filled. Yet still, using the promotional photos, the short trailers, and a quick sprinkling of some yet-to-be-used book plots, we can gradually begin to build a picture of what Season 6 could look like. So sit back and enjoy Game Of Thrones weeks before the rest of the world as I predict the entire plot of Season 6 with absolutely certainty (or make an enormous fool of myself when Jon doesn't come back to life, as Benjen Stark, Stoneheart, and the White Walkers return to crush the entirety of Westeros in S6E1...)