Game Of Thrones Season 7: 10 Ups And 2 Downs From 'The Spoils Of War'
6. Lannisters Vs Dothraki
This was another of the major battle sequences teased in the big Season 7 trailers and, unlike Casterly Rock, there is no chance of being disappointed by a rug-pull or lack of action.
Putting the dragon to one side, the fight between the Lannister army and the Dothraki itself was impressive enough. As Robert Baratheon said back in Season 1: "Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field."
Turns out Jaime Lannister is a fool then, not that he had much of a choice. Bran, earlier in the episode, had echoed Littlefinger's "chaos is a ladder" line. This wasn't a ladder, but a swirling pit of chaos, as the Dothraki steamed in, leaping from horses and with arakhs flying about.
We've had glimpses of what the much-feared Dothraki are capable of, but never a full display of their brutal, balletic brilliance like we get here. Even if a dragon hadn't flown in, the Lannister army didn't stand much of a chance, and it makes for a thrilling action set piece in its own right.