Game Of Thrones Season 7: 11 Major Plot Hints From The New Trailer
1. Hardhome 2
Hardhome stands as one of the finest battles ever put on the small screen, a haunting melee that was as brutal and shocking as anything else Thrones has delivered. And now, like all great things, it's getting a sequel.
The motives of ranging Beyond-the-Wall aren't clear - with Hardhome it was to rescue wildlings, which hardly applies here. Perhaps they're trying to find something that can help against the White Walkers. Maybe they're just tired of waiting, and are taking the fight to their turf. Which, y'know, seems like suicide.
Whatever the reasoning, we're getting a huge, icy battle. We get one glimpse of a White Walker in battle with someone, probably Jon, and then a group - again, including the King in the North - surrounded by wights.
Later, Jon himself faces down a swathe of them all on his own, and it's likely after that we see him slumped on a horse riding to safety (even if that comes beforehand in the trailer). This also means that we can expect to lose a few people here, and given those present, at least one or two brilliant characters might die. Just as long as it's not Tormund. Or Davos. Or the Hound. Or Gendry. Or any of them. F**k.
What plot hints did you glean from the new trailer? Let us know down in the comments. Check out our trailer breakdown here.