Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To "The Spoils Of War"

3. The Battle

How is it that something can be simultaneously so cool and so terrifying and gut-wrenching at the same time? That's precisely what that battle scene was, as we watched genuine favourite characters sparring catastrophically, while another was forced to watch. It was what heart-pounding TV should always aim to be.

Try and think of something that profound (in terms of a battle sequence in a TV show)... There is simply no precedent. And even with the huge cinematographic scale and scope, the real tension came down to smart character building. We cared, because of who we were watching, which made it all terribly unbearable...

Dany seemingly punishing Tyrion by making him watch the impending death of his brother is too much, too...

But it was a remarkably clever way of giving us an in as the audience: he essentially represented all of us being forced to watch our favourite toys fight each other to the death...


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