Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

19. Jaime's Nice Motivations Make No Sense

Olenna Game Of Thrones

At the end of the The Queen's Justice, we discover that Tyrion's plan to take Casterly Rock has been thwarted by Cersei and Jaime's ingenious counter-plot to leave it mostly undefended and attacking Highgarden instead.

We might not have seen any real battles in that episode, which was a shame, but we did get to see a fine final moment by Olenna Tyrell as she confessed to Joffrey's murder just after Jaime spares her the despicable death Cersei wanted to inflict. He comes out of the situation really well, even if Olenna's victory is against him too, but it doesn't really make sense.

It's obvious that the show creators want to bring Jaime more in line with the book version, which is great, but his turn comes a little too out of nowhere at this stage. Up to date, he's committed incest, tried to kill Bran, murdered Stark bannermen, killed his cousin Alton, raped Cersei and threatened Edmure Tully's baby. We'd also seen flashes of goodness, but his nobility here feels unearned in the context of his crimes.


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