Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

20. The Greyscale Treatment

Game of Thrones Sam Tarly Jorah greyscale

After years of so degeneration thanks to his Greyscale infection, Jorah Mormont started season 7 in his worst condition yet, covered in scabs, in vast pain and in real danger of losing his mind to the disease.

Somehow, he managed to get to the Citadel, where he was rather unceremoniously thrown into the dungeons and basically left to his own devices until Jim Broadbent's Ebrose doomed him and suggested that his only option was suicide before he lost himself. Luckily though, Sam found a really, really dangerous, really, really complex cure that was so terrible that it had to be hidden in the restricted section.

Though, really, it wasn't at all was it? Sam simply peeled Jorah's scabs off and slathered him in an ointment made of twigs and stuff. For that to be the cure after all of the build up was just ridiculous, even with the pain of having his nipple peeled clean off.


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