Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

17. Jaime And Bronn Survive (And Are Left Entirely Alone)

Jaime Bronn Game Of Thrones

It's fine to have a cliff-hanger every now and then - as the final episode proved so well - but there really didn't need to be one at the end of The Spoils Of War. It was a little bit manipulative when the episode already had more than enough drama in there and it falsely made it seem that Bronn and Jaime were in any real danger.

Of course they weren't - Jaime is too key, and Bronn is too entertaining - so the next episode began with them coming back out of the water they'd been hurled into by Bronn's life-saving tackle. You know, as if his armour wouldn't have made rescuing him impossible...

Having them survive is fine, but what isn't fine is what happens next. Bronn fishes Jaime out of the water pretty much exactly where they went under, but by the time they surface absolutely everyone of Dany's forces are gone and the battlefield is abandoned. How long were they under the water exactly?

And why didn't anyone think to check whether they'd survived, when capturing Jaime would have been a war-ending move?


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