Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

16. Sam's Huff (And What Happened To Heartsbane?)

Game of Thrones Sam Tarly Citadel

After a couple of episodes sitting around learning key information that he uses to help Jon and Jorah, Sam suddenly decides that he wants to be doing something more valuable to the cause. Even though the whole point of going there was to find out exactly the kind of information that he finds out while he's there.

His huffy storm out from the Citadel is just silly - particularly as he won't be any actual good when he gets to the front-line.

Also, what the hell happened to Heartsbane? In the last season, Sam made a big show of stealing his family's Valyrian Steel blade, considering it a useful enough thing to brave the wrath of his father. Fans would immediately have thought he was going to hand it over to someone useful in the fight against the White Walkers, but instead it just ended up disappearing entirely (again).

And worse, his father didn't seem to be even remotely bothered about it disappearing.


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