Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

8. The Unsullied Show Of Force

Game Of Thrones Grey Worm Finale

The final episode obviously had lots to shoe-horn in, with a boatload of character arcs to tie up ahead of the season close, and making sure all of the loose ends were dealt with.

Having disappeared after the disastrous attack on Casterly Rock, the Unsullied, and Grey Worm, needed their fates revealed some way, lest we thought they'd simply been killed off off-screen and risking the wrath of everyone who fell in love with the hard-faced warrior lord even more when he romanced Missandei.

Still, it was a bit odd to simply have him and his fellow soldiers stand menacing outside a castle that clearly wasn't the Red Keep (it was in fact the same castle used to film Highgarden) just to show that he was still around. Almost anything would have been better than that.


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