Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

4. Why Doesn't The Mountain Kill Jaime?

The Mountain Game Of Thrones

The revelation of Cersei's plan to betray Jon and Dany is a great moment, and watching Jaime follow through on his "good guy" vibes and turn on his sister was even better. It's just that it depended on a very, very confusing moment.

When Jaime attempts to leave to join up with the Northern alliance, Cersei threatens him and says she will have the Mountain cut him down. She even seems to give the order when Jaime calls her bluff, only for the monstrous Clegane to not strike the killing blow. He just holds his sword there, apparently choosing to interpret Cersei's hesitation as her not actually wanting the order she delivered to be followed.

That is some surprisingly nuanced analysis from the walking deadish guy.

And incidentally, Cersei leaving Jaime alive is just idiotic. Surely she knows he's just going to go North immediately and reveal her plan? Brother or no brother, the fact that he'd give her ploy away means he HAS to die.


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