Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

23. Poor Pod

Game Of Thrones Pod

This was really, really not a good season for Pod (or Brienne for that matter). Necessarily holed up at Winterfell because of their vow to protect Arya and Sana, but hamstrung by the fact that the plot simultaneously needed them not to be of any actual assistance, they just sort of sat around, popping up now and then.

And you really have to feel for Pod in particular, since most of his involvement in the season involved him just getting his arse handed to him by Brienne in " combat training" that looked more like the big woman taking out her frustrations on him. Clearly missing Tormund.

Yes, we did get a brief glimpse of greatness when Bronn took him for a pint at the Dragonpit, but we didn't even get to see that play out properly.


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