Game Of Thrones Season 7: 6 Signs A Dragon Will Die Very Soon

3. It Fits Dany's Arc

dany dragons

And then there's the other reason for Tyrion's advice being so terrible: Dany had to lose a good few battles this season to even the playing field. She had way too many underlings and allies and she was way too powerful to fight the Lannisters in a direct scuffle. She had to be handicapped some way, and having her plans crumble and fail was the smartest way to do that (particularly as it reinforced the idea of the Lannisters being brutally stubborn).

Unfortunately for Dany, she still has to lose again before she can actually come to win the Great Game.

If Dany flies into King's Landing after destroying the Lannister army, Euron's fleet and their various allies, she will win way too easily. And crucially, we will never get to see the resolution of the show's entire arc concerning the need for men to put aside their issues and focus on the real enemy.

There is no way Cersei will be defeated in conventional terms before the Long Night comes: she (or her family anyway) will be forced to ally with Dany and Jon - because that is the real Great Game of the show - which will arguably be a greater defeat for her. But for that to happen, Dany needs to not have the key to immediate, swift victory in her control, which means she has to lose not only her valuable assets but also her prized weapons.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.