Game Of Thrones Season 7: 7 Big Rumours That Are Probably True

4. Benjen's Coming Back

Game Of Thrones Beric Dondarrion

The main series trailers seemed to show a group of men heading beyond the Wall into some seriously cold weather - where there's a blizzard, there tends to be a bunch of wights and White Walkers nearby.

Assuming the party in question are beyond the Wall, there can be no doubt that they will be set upon by the undead, and will likely be bailed out by Benjen 'Coldhands' Stark as Bran and Meera were towards the end of season 6.

It might be a fairly cheap way to remind the audience that Benjen is still out there, and an irksome way to save another character or group, but Coldhands can't have been re-introduced for the sake of a few scenes - especially not when he's quite so awesome with that flailing, fiery mace.

No character is brought back in Game of Thrones without a reason and a purpose, the return of The Hound has taught us that much, and Benjen still has a significant part to play.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.