Game Of Thrones Season 7: 7 Big Rumours That Are Probably True

3. Sansa Will Find Out About Arya's Training

Game Of Thrones Beric Dondarrion

It looks fairly certain that Arya is heading home to Winterfell for the first time since Season 1 (finally!), but with Jon making for Dragonstone, the Stark reunion could be a rather low key affair.

It's very unlikely that Bran and Meera will arrive at Winterfell before Arya, so it looks like the Stark sisters will be left to resume their squabbling alone - essentially the only relationship they had in Season 1 was a confrontational one.

As such, Sansa will no doubt be curious as to what her younger sister has been up to, and is unlikely to get a straight answer. Would you be willing to tell your older sister that you've been training to become an invisible assassin? Probably not.

Curiosity will almost certainly get the better of the acting Queen in the North, and rummaging through Arya's belongings seems the most likely way for Sansa to discover her sister's secret murderous tendencies.

Whether it's a bag of the faces she has taken up to now or some other gross out piece of evidence, expect the friction between the Stark sisters to ramp up to 11 rather quickly.


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