Game Of Thrones Season 7: 9 Hints From "Eastwatch" Trailer

3. Cersei's Creepy Warning

Game Of Thrones Cersei Eastwatch

In her usually cold way, Cersei vows to deal with whatever stands in the way of her. If this conversation with Qyburn comes immediately after she learns of her brother's death (and it is likely he will be taken for dead), she's taking the news very well.

But then, she has the Iron Bank in her pocket after paying them back, and she might be confident that they will change the tide in a more substantial way than the Tyrell grain stocks would have (she's wrong, but whatever). Could this conversation be a follow up to her vow to hire the Golden Company?

Unfortunately for her enemies, seeing her and Qyburn discussing tactics is never a good thing, because it will no doubt lead directly to him showing his latest diabolical skill. If he didn't dip that scorpion bolt in some sort of anti-dragon poison he made out of grinding down the skulls of baby otters, would he even be Qyburn anyway?

Or maybe this is her version of a dressing down after his Scorpion failed, and him being instructed to find another method to kill the dragons. Wildfire catapult? Giant anvil dropped from the sky? He's got to have more Wil E Coyote-influenced plans up those baggy sleeves.

Game Of Thrones Cersei And Qyburn Eastwatch

Cersei's problem now is that without Jaime beside her and with Euron presumably taking his place, she's going to lose her grip very, very quickly. Madness incoming?


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