Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: 12 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

Will Cersei's reign end?

Game Of Thrones Cersei

Winter is coming, and so too is the long night between Game Of Thrones seasons, with the seventh episode of season 7 about to screen before a huge, terrifying break before the final season. It's going to be an even more difficult absence to take this time, given how well HBO have done with season 7, and you could be forgiven for feeling very real pangs of panic.

But before that breakdown, there's still lots to be tied up in the no-doubt explosive finale. There's a lot to be concerned about, like the amount of expendable characters at the Dragonpit, the unresolved friction between the Stark sisters at Winterfell and the mortality of the fan-favourite characters up at the Wall... if you thought 'Beyond The Wall' was as tense as this season could get, you might want to prepare yourself.

With a bumper 70-plus minute run-time - combined with how much story has been crammed into the rest of the season - we're likely to get an awful lot in this climactic episode, and hopefully it can all live up to the hype. Judging by the rumours and theories floating around it, we're in for an absolute treat.

So what's going to happen?


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